Hydrological services along the topographic gradient in regions
Cerrado-Atlantic Forest transition
Advisor: Silvio Ferraz
Coordinator: Silvio Ferraz
Members: Bruna S. Lopes; Juan SD Rojas; Rodrigo M. dos Santos; Robert
M. Hubbard; Silvio FB Ferraz.
Period: 03/2021 - current
Funding: FAPESP
Project description: This master's project is an integral part of the project
“Tradeoffs between hydrological processes in restoration areas
forestry” and its main objective is to evaluate the supply of services
hydrological resources in areas with different access to the water table and with
different forest structures. For this, different hydrological processes
are being monitored in two plots installed in an area of
natural regeneration around 35 years old and one in an area
restored with active methodology at around 14 years old, at Estação
Experimental Forest Sciences of Itatinga (EECFI).